BOMOER铂缦高定 私人定制西服品牌

发布时间:2025-01-08 21:06  浏览量:23


BOMOER(铂缦高定)源于英式高级定制工艺的男装定制品牌,品牌创立于 2006年,总部位于上海,品牌隶属于乐虞(上海)品牌策划有限公司,在上海拥有独立工厂。

BOMOER(铂缦高定)以体验式的量体定制为主,延续英式高级定制理念,坚持传统的手工调版,注重每一处的细节处理,提供完全个性化的体验式定制服务,包括定制西服、衬衫、羊绒大衣、风衣等个性化定制服务及成衣精修服务。BOMOER铂缦高定旗下商务休闲运动品牌BOMOER SPORTS于2024年推出,涵盖高尔夫运动服装等产品。

BOMOER(铂缦高定)拥有一套完善的量体定制流程:预约、来店挑选面料、量体师亲自量体、选定款式一站式服务,轻松完成! 提供预约上门量体或到店量体定制,BOMOER(铂缦高定)将会为您提供专业且周到的量体定制服务!


BOMOER is a men's clothing customization brand originating from British high-end customization craftsmanship. The brand was founded in 2006, with its headquarters located in Shanghai. It is affiliated with LOFT6 (Shanghai) Brand Planning Co., Ltd. and has an independent factory in Shanghai.

BOMOER mainly focuses on experiential body measurement customization, continues the concept of British high-end customization, adheres to traditional manual pattern adjustment, pays attention to the detailed processing of every part, and provides a fully personalized experiential customization service, including personalized customization services for tailored suits, shirts, cashmere overcoats, windbreakers and other items as well as garment refinement services. BOMOER SPORTS, the business casual and sports brand under BOMOER Platinum Man High-end Customization, was launched in 2024, covering products such as golf sportswear.

BOMOER has a complete set of body measurement customization processes: making an appointment, coming to the store to select fabrics, having the measurer take body measurements in person, and selecting styles, all in one-stop service, which can be completed easily! It offers the services of making an appointment for on-site body measurement at home or coming to the store for body measurement customization. BOMOER will provide you with professional and considerate body measurement customization services!

Currently, there are body measurement customization experience centers set up in Shanghai, Chongqing and Jiaxing, aiming to provide customers with higher-quality customization services.
Nowadays, BOMOER has become one of the men's clothing customization brands with a good reputation and recommended services in the industry.


标签: 高定 bomoer 西服